Tuesday, September 24, 2024

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Jaywalking tickets ridiculous, police have other work to do

I never understood why so many students strongly disliked the East Lansing Police Department until I saw two cops giving out jaywalking tickets at 11:30 a.m. at an intersection of Bogue Street on Wednesday. Of course I think cops serve an important role in our society and that they should be funded well, but the way to raise funds isn’t by ticketing poor, tired college students walking to class, but by raising taxes on the rich!

It’s difficult for me to respect an organization that exhibits such brazen capricious maliciousness over behavior that is generally considered mundane, acceptable and productive. The only way they can redeem themselves is if they give amnesty to all the jaywalkers and alter this reputation of persecuting the people they’re supposed to be protecting.

Jason Bernstein

mathematics sophomore

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