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No more color-coded wristbands in Izzone lower bowl

October 11, 2007

CORRECTED: The headline should have said the color-coded wristbands will no longer be used.

The color-coded wristbands for lower-bowl Izzone members at men’s home basketball games are no longer in effect.

The lower bowl featured green wristbands and sideline seating for students who have had Izzone tickets the longest. Purple and gold wristbands, featuring baseline seats behind the baskets, normally went to first-year lower bowl members.

When kinesiology senior Renee Auernhamer heard her seat was no longer secure, she was not happy.

“It should definitely be seniority rules,” Auernhamer said. “The people that make it up have to be the people with heart — the people who have showed their loyalty by being in the student section the longest.”

The Student Alumni Foundation, athletics department, Breslin Center ticket office and men’s basketball head coach Tom Izzo came to a consensus that lower bowl members should not be divided.

“We are trying to get more of a frenzy — people getting there early while the team is practicing, making Breslin a more intimidating place to play,” said Ashley Bernath, vice president of marketing for the Student Alumni Foundation.

Michele Berry, one of the Izzone directors, said the new system promotes unity.

Students in one section couldn’t sit with their friends in another section, she said.

Another obstacle the change was trying to hurdle was the confusion outside of Breslin Center before gametime.

“It got complicated outside, with all the different colors. We just felt that this was a simplification,” said Paul Schager, marketing and corporate relations director for the athletic department.

Some students who more than likely would have had purple or gold wristbands are not disputing the change.

“Last year, people in yellow and purple could get there the earliest and still automatically not get center court seats,” said Justin Bailey, a journalism sophomore. “Now if you get there early enough, you get the best seats, period.”

And many of those who benefit from it don’t think it’s necessary to complain.

“Every seat in lower bowl is an awesome seat,” building construction management junior Adam Bell said. “Ninety percent of those in lower bowl have paid their dues by sitting one year in upper bowl.”

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