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Globalization creates problems

Eric Thieleman

Globalization is a plague that threatens to unite the world in a similar fashion to that of Adolf Hitler, Napoleon Bonaparte and more recently, Islamic extremists. Globalization is the concept that a world without borders and without restrictions will benefit all, which is terribly incorrect. One way advocates are trying to advance globalization is the proposed North American Union that would combine Canada, Mexico and the United States into one economic and political union.

While the North American Free Trade Agreement, or NAFTA, already has achieved the economic unity, all that is required is for us to give up our sovereignty, freedoms and policies to a potentially non-American-led political body. I am not sure about your feelings, but I have a huge problem giving up more than 400 years of history, policy building and sovereignty to someone who may erase it all with a single act. Globalization is not in the best interest of America for a multiplicity of reasons, including the fact that we will get out far less than we put into such a system.

The situation we are currently faced with is an advancing form of globalization, causing our country to suffer greatly as a result. One reason for this is the cheating practices being undertaken by other countries in the global economy. America is held at such a high standard that we are forced to sacrifice our best interest for that of other, poorer countries, while countries like China and Mexico take advantage. While we push for such free trade and advocate equity throughout the world, we are the ones being treated unfairly.

Take, for example, the regulation of Chinese currency, the yuan. The yuan has been kept artificially devalued by the Chinese government in order to keep Chinese goods relatively cheap in comparison to American goods. This devaluation is one reason why you see so many more products made in China than made domestically. Another example of cheating in the global economy is the cost of labor.

The cost of labor in Mexico compared to America leaves a very favorable gap for Mexico. While we in America thrive to allow the working class a comparatively high standard of living, Mexico couldn’t care less about the well-being of its citizens. Mexico’s per capita gross domestic product is about 18 percent of that of the United States, meaning that Mexican citizens produce an average of 18 percent of what an average American produces.

Since we have to provide our workforce with fair wages, our products are necessarily more expensive. While we are forced to simply deal with this, other countries sell their products cheaply while making a tremendous profit in the global market.

In addition to unfair trade, we also have to deal with the loss of industry in our country, directly resulting in the depleting middle class. As Michiganians, many of us are affected by the out-of-control loss of manufacturing to foreign countries, especially to developing countries. With the loss of industry, we are left with mostly service industry jobs, creating an increasing gap between rich and poor.

The other colossal problem that comes as a result of outsourcing industry is the threat to our security. With all our manufacturing in China, how could we defend ourselves if we were to go to war with an ally of China, or possibly the behemoth itself. If China controls our means of production, we are at great risk.

With this brief analysis of potential problems raised by globalization, I would have to argue that the many negative outcomes far outweigh the positives. There is no way to be cognizant of the state of the world hundreds of years from now, but if the current unfair practices of globalization continue, the United States may not exist. Along with all of these risks, we must also remember that in a global state, we will not exist as a sovereign nation.

With the loss of our sovereignty, we may lose many of the freedoms we hold dear today. As we see now in the Middle East and throughout the world, Islamic terrorists will stop at nothing until the entire world is under the command of Allah. If they gain control of the world, we may be forced into a situation from which we cannot return. Thus, along with globalization, we lose the very freedoms and principles our country was founded upon, as well as our identity as the greatest nation in the world.

Eric Thieleman is a State News columnist and a member of Young Americans for Freedom and MSU College Republicans. Reach him at

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