Wednesday, October 9, 2024

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Freshmen fifteen Q's

College is a whole new world for many freshmen traveling campus for the first time. The State News sat down with one of these brave explorers to get a glimpse, in 15 questions or less, at a new face on campus and their perspective on their new frontier.

Meet Zenaida Castro

1. What is your major?

Criminal justice.

2. Where do you live on campus?

Wonders Hall. I like my RA. She’s really fun and nice. She’s really outgoing and I like that.

3. Where are you from?

Waterford, Mich.

4. Now that you’re about halfway through your first semester, how have your expectations of college been met?

I wanted to study and get good grades. I’ve actually been studying instead of partying all of the time.

5. It’s the week of the Michigan vs. MSU football game. What are you expecting?

(I expect) it to be crazy this weekend. It’s going to be like lockdown and we’re not going to be able to get in (our dorm) any more. And it’s going to be packed.

6. Do you have football tickets?

I get in for free because I work for the police station. I do the traffic control. Someone in my major brought it up to me. I love it.

7. What are your favorite classes?

I like ISS Society and the Individual. I like the professor a lot, I get it. (Professor Cyrus Stewart) makes it fun.

8. What do you do with your free time?

I watch TV and I go to the library a lot to study.

9. Why do you study in the library and not your room?

It’s quieter and everyone else is studying and not watching TV at the same time, so it’s easier for me to get my work done.

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10. How have you adjusted to life away from home?

I love it, I like being on my own. No curfew, no rules. I can do whatever I want.

11. What did you think about MSU before you got here?

I thought it would be like a big party school and no one would be studying, but everyone does study here.

12. How do you like dorm food?

It’s not bad, I like it. I like the orange chicken.

13. What have you found out about campus that you didn’t know before?

It’s not actually as big as I thought it would be, like walking distance. I don’t think it’s that bad anymore.

14. Do you still get lost?

I get lost sometimes, but I pretty much know my way (around).

15. Do you still keep in contact with your friends at home?

Yeah, they come to visit or I go visit them.

—Compiled by Joseph Terry


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