Wednesday, October 9, 2024

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Freshmen fifteen Q's


College is a whole new world for many freshmen traveling campus for the first time. The State News sat down with one of these brave explorers to get a glimpse, in 15 questions or less, at a new face on campus and their perspective on their new frontier.

Meet Caitlin Gerlach

1. What is your major?


2. Where do you live?

Brody complex

3. Where are you from?

Pinckney, MI

4. What do you enjoy most about MSU?

I think it’s a good balance between academics and social life. Compared to schools like U-M where it’s more academic-based and places like Western where it’s all party life, it’s cooler here.

5. What’s been the most difficult part of moving away from home?

Probably sharing a room. I have two older brothers and I’ve been at home two years by myself and I’ve never had to share a room.

It’s good for you to learn how to live with other people.

6. What was one of the misconceptions you had about MSU before moving here?

Everyone said it was a party school, but you kind of make it what you want it to be. If you want to go out, you go out. If you don’t, you don’t.

7. What is your overall perception of the MSU student body?

People are generally nice. I think people are excited to be on campus since it’s still earlier on in the school year.

I like that it’s diverse because I come from a school where it’s all pretty much the same kind of people, so it’s exciting for me to be able to walk out of the dorm and have something to do.

8. How are you adapting to living in an environment with different lifestyles and cultures?

I like it. I think it’s good for people to be around others that are nothing like them. You can learn from other people, and they can learn from you.

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9. How have your relationships with people at home changed?

I feel way older now. I feel like I’ve changed a lot since I’ve been here. I’ve matured now that I’m living on my own. I haven’t gone home a lot since I’ve been here, but it’ll be kind of weird because there’s going to be rules again.

10. What has surprised you most about living at Michigan State?

I love the campus. I didn’t realize how pretty it was until I actually lived here. It’s surprised me how big it is, but at the same time it’s manageable. It has not spread out throughout a city, but it’s still spread out.

11. How have you changed since you graduated from high school?

I’m more open to other people now and I put myself out there instead of just having people come to me. Where I come from I knew everybody at my high school, so that’s a big difference.

12. How do you feel the university is doing about informing you about the resources available to you and the information you need to know?

I think they’re doing a good job. With the learning centers and stuff, I have used the math learning center so much.

I like the little boxes that are on the tables in the cafeteria that say all about events coming up. I think when you live in the dorms you’re pretty well-informed.

13. What do you think about the quality of food on campus?

I’ve figured out what cafeterias have what kinds of food in them.

I know which cafeterias have good food and pretty much plan the day around where I’m eating. Hubbard’s really good, and Brody has Lafayette Square, so that’s nice.

14. Where do you see yourself in four years from now?

I hope to be graduating. I’m in the nursing program and I hope to get in the college of nursing here and find a job at a hospital.

15. Who’s your favorite professor?

Professor (Paul) Hunter, my chemistry professor. He has the coolest accent ever.

He’s a really good teacher and makes lectures fun. I’ve learned so much from him.


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