I know that this letter might not be proximate to the event, but I have waited until now to see if there was ever going to be any coverage on the Spartan cross country Invitational that took place Sept. 14. The State News publishes one newspaper for the whole weekend, and the sports section this past Saturday, appropriately titled ‘The Game,’ covered the football game against Pittsburgh. I scanned through the entire section, then the front section to find nothing on the only home cross country race the Spartans host every year. I was disappointed. I was not expecting a long article, but I did not even see a recap on how the meet went. I am not a part of the team myself, but I attended the meet and was eager to read what would be said about the performance of both the men and women’s teams. So I waited hopefully until Monday’s issue, only to find pictures of the football game on the front pages of both sections, and again nothing on the results of the cross country team. I even went online. I found many articles about football, hockey, volleyball, field hockey and soccer teams, but no cross country. I did come across an article on the MSU Athletics Web site. Next time I hope The State News can keep up with all the sporting events on campus, because the football players are not the only ones who deserve news coverage.
Lauren Wood