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Students need to be aware of MSU Office of the Ombudsman

Citing the MSU Office of the Ombudsman’s important role for students was a great service in the Sept. 11 edition of The State News.

And featuring Stan Soffin’s expert shoe-filling in that office is a tribute to someone who has made a career of helping MSU since that first fall day he arrived in 1968. Besides his nine years as ombudsman, Soffin served us well as Knight Chair in Journalism, refounding the Michigan Journalism Hall of Fame (now housed in the Communication Arts and Sciences Building) and many other programs.

Typical of Stanley’s demur personality, he deflected your reporter’s “slow news day” story onto the Academic Freedom Report – the creator of not only the Office of the Ombudsman, but also the genesis of State News independence. As Soffin accurately reminisced, the late 1960s were a raucous time at MSU where student rights were concerned.

MSU is fortunate indeed to have had Soffin’s help for four (sorry Stan) decades as ombudsman. His attitude has always put students first, his green and white institutional memory helps us all, and his passion for journalism and newspapers has been a plus for our entire state as well as MSU.

W. Edward Wendover

City Pulse co-publisher

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