Tuesday, September 24, 2024

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Raising state taxes hurts Mich. citizens, economy

For once I find myself agreeing completely with the State News editorial on politics in Increasing taxes will not solve budget crisis (SN 9/17). This new budget “solution” passed by our state Legislature is bad for Michigan’s current state of affairs from either political perspective. To put it in the simplest of turns, it hurts Michigan citizens and will further slow down our economy.

Since the beginning of the summer, we’ve heard threats of the state government shutting down if we run out of money from Gov. Jennifer Granholm, who was just re-elected after campaigning on how much she’s improved Michigan. After all these months, this is the closest thing we have to a solution.

Both our governor and our representatives have been failing us slowly but surely over the past several years and have brought us into a state recession and threats of an emergency shutdown. Fortunately for you and me, the one thing they have been consistently doing well is supporting education. Despite everything else, Michigan still has some of the best paid teachers and three of the top research universities in the country. We do a great job of giving young adults the skills and education that allow them to be competitive in the marketplace and obtain great jobs … out of state.

Thank you Granholm, and thank you Democrats and Republicans of the Michigan House and Senate. You’ve tanked this state, but at least your policies give the readers of this paper the ability to bail out and head for greener pastures. Congratulations on making talented college graduates Michigan’s main export.

Michael Hernandez

history and anthropology senior

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