Saturday, September 28, 2024

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Word on the street

What do you do to keep cool on hot summer days?

"I worked all day in the air conditioning, and now I'm going to class to sit in the heat. I'll go to Beaner's or somewhere where there's iced coffee."

Julie Schutter
special education senior

"I cut my hair and will donate it to Locks of Love. They took 11 inches off. It's too warm, so I went and cut my hair on impulse."

Nina Rubante
premedical sophomore

"Stay in my air-conditioned apartment. Go to the beach to get near the water."

Amber Merchant
Lansing Community College culinary arts sophomore

"I stay in my room and turn the air conditioning way up."

Shiming Zheng
supply chain management junior

"I stay in the air conditioning and work and go to the pool."

Cisco Garcia
computer science senior


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