Friday, June 28, 2024

Sidelines no more, meet 'The Game'

August 30, 2007

Eric Fish

This off-season, the Spartan football organization welcomed a new head coach, a new offensive game plan and a new attitude. Also in the off-season, The State News took steps to make its football section better, more interactive with the fans and more visually appealing. You may remember seeing Sidelines in past years. On behalf of The State News, I’d like to welcome you to the football section’s redesign, which officially launches today as The Game.

In The Game, our sports staff will work hard to bring you more information than we have in the past. We’ll be selecting people from the student body here at MSU to help predict weekend games with us in the prognosticators section. And we’ll try to keep the section more fun and more interactive than ever.

If you have any suggestions or things that you would like to see in The Game, drop us a line. We’d love to hear your input.

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