Thursday, March 6, 2025

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Spartan pride swells as football season begins

CORRECTION: Should have said University of Alabama at Birmingham.

Spartan Marching Band practice began at 9 a.m. Saturday, and as I passed their regular practice grounds just north of Demonstration Hall, a lone trumpet melody whistled to me.

It was a not-quite-perfect rendition of our fight song. Some notes were on spot, while others fell flat.

Only a few passing joggers were around to notice this freshman sitting alone in the bleachers and repeatedly belting out the same tune. I wanted to sing along, or cheer, or throw out a “Dude, it’s gonna sound awesome!”

But that would have been too corny, and the musician was hard at work.

This Saturday, I will likely be sitting five rows behind this band member, singing, clapping, and summarily teaching all the new faces around me all the football cheers.

Hopefully, Mark Dantonio and team will not disappoint and University of Alabama-Birmingham will break ranks before a phalanx of green and white.

But, whether they play as the cavalry returning triumphant or as the resigned musicians of a sinking Titanic, the band will play on. And it will sound awesome.

Michael Saelim
physics and mathematics senior

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