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Granholm has done her part in improving state

We take exception to comments by Matt Marsden, spokesman for Senate Majority Leader Mike Bishop, R-Rochester, in ‘Legislature faces ridicule for latest tuition increase’ (SN 8/1). In it, he states, “The Democrats continue to push for tax increases, but they refuse to accept any support for reforms in government.”

Gov. Jennifer Granholm has been reforming government since day one of her administration. She has eliminated state departments, eliminated no-bid contracts, abolished more than 150 boards and commissions, consolidated functions in state government and proposed more reforms for school districts and local government.

She had laid out a list of reforms she is willing to sign into law, yet Bishop has failed to call for a vote on any significant reforms. This fact stands in contrast to his rhetoric that before new revenue can be considered for the 2008 budget, lawmakers must act on reforms.

This state’s unprecedented budget crisis could have been avoided had state lawmakers followed Granholm’s lead.

In February, the governor proposed a comprehensive solution to Michigan’s budget crisis that would have helped universities avoid the level of tuition hikes they’ve announced. Keep in mind, the governor has cut more state spending than any other governor in Michigan history and her 2008 budget calls for still more cuts, while calling for greater investment in higher education.

The governor proposed and supports government reforms that will help state government afford similar budget crises in the future. And she is the only leader willing to make the tough call for new revenue. Remember, even the Wall Street experts have said Michigan cannot cut its way out of this crisis.

Granholm is committed to making college affordable. She called for, and signed into law, the $4,000 Michigan Promise scholarship, which every high school graduate can earn.

She has called for more investment in higher education and encouraged universities to hold tuition at the rate of inflation.

During her tenure, she has made it clear to her appointees to the governing boards of the state universities she expects them to stand up for Michigan families and hold the line on outrageous tuition increases.

But the governor has made it clear: Only state lawmakers can send budget bills to her desk. They have yet to list what programs would suffer deeper cuts if they balance the 2008 budget without new revenue. They have failed to vote on significant reforms. They have failed to vote on new revenue. Where is the outrage of this lack of action on behalf of Michigan citizens that is paving the way for double-digit increases in tuition?

Liz Boyd
spokeswoman for Gov. Jennifer Granholm

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