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Comparing Christians to Nazis not appropriate

I am writing in response to Tyranny of faith (SN 7/31).

While I respect the author’s right to have his own opinion, I must point out the inaccuracies in your article which simply are not factual and have nothing to do with opinion.

First of all, I’d like to point out there is no place in the Bible that states homosexuals will be sent to hell. It is stated that homosexuality is immoral and a sin, however, according to the Bible, God sees all sin as equal. Therefore being a homosexual will do no more to get you into hell than telling a white lie; it is all the same.

God promises eternal life to all of those who believe in him, not just in those who believe in him and lead perfect lives. All Christians sin, so it is impossible to be perfect.

Second, I’d like to say almost any organized group of people can be used to draw parallels to Hitler and the Nazi party.

Even America itself can be said to resemble Hitler’s conquest: We fight around the world and kill others in order to spread our beliefs about society. For example, we invaded Iraq because we didn’t agree with their policies. This can be directly paralleled with Hitler’s invasion of Poland or France. So the Nazi’s resemblance to Christianity does nothing to help prove your point, except to add shock value from the two being paralleled. You have overlooked the fact that this could be applied to almost any group with strong beliefs – because of the strong beliefs Hitler had for his cause.

Last, I’d simply like to say your translation of the word “Fuhrer” was completely incorrect. I have lived in Germany since I was 10 years old, and I am fluent in German. This word means “leader,” not “lord.” I have verified this both with my own German-English dictionary and by checking various Web sites. The proper German word for “lord” is “Herr,” which also can be used to address someone as “Mr.” In a person’s title, the English word “Lord” is used and in referring to one’s master the word “Gebieter” can be used.

Brandon Williamson
music education freshman

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