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ASMSU kicks off new semester with shorter meetings, student elections

August 29, 2007

During the first ASMSU Student Assembly meeting of the school year, Chairperson Michael Leahy plans to enforce one thing right away: better time management.

In years past, Student Assembly meetings were known to last more than three hours, with one last spring semester almost hitting the nine-hour mark – ending after 3 a.m.

“When a bill passes unanimously, there is no reason to debate it for an hour,” he said. “If there is nothing controversial on the agenda, it’s not necessary to make it longer than it has to be. That is something that I definitely want to fix this year.”

ASMSU is MSU’s undergraduate student government, and the 44th session’s first meeting, open to the public, is scheduled for 6:30 p.m. tonight in room 328, Student Services.

A report regarding tailgate procedure at the tennis courts across from Wilson Hall during home games will be discussed.

“The assembly has been gone, so I will show them what I wanted to do with tailgate and what I have done. I did everything I said I was going to do,” said Nigel Scarlett, Student Assembly vice chairperson for external affairs. “I will show them step-by-step what tailgate is going to be, going over little things like insurance information, liability and a schedule of when tailgates are as well.”

Elections will be held to appoint chairpersons and vice chairpersons to the Policy and Finance Committee, as well as representatives for the Programming Board and Steering Committee. Members must be assigned to a number of specific college representative positions as well.

Juan Carlos Elizalde, Student Assembly vice chairperson for internal affairs, said nominations are given by word-of-mouth during the meeting. Each nominee can speak for five minutes and answer questions for an additional five minutes.

The committees then vote through secret ballots before the numbers are tallied and the winner is announced.

The assembly will review the 2007-08 finalized ASMSU budget during the meeting, before going over any staff reports.

The first meeting is dedicated to reviewing summer progress, while introducing all of the newly hired employees to everyone else, Leahy said.

“You can trust me when I say that it’ll pick up rapidly over the course of the next few weeks,” he said.

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