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(SCENE) Metrospace features documentary

June 15, 2007

(SCENE) Metrospace, 110 Charles St., will host an evening of film and music at 4 p.m. June 30 featuring independent filmmaker Owen Lowery.

Lowery, a Chicago-based filmmaker, has been working on a documentary based on the idea of a person taking a year out of typical life to fulfill all of his or her ambitions.

Lowery has been tackling his list of 52 things to do within a year and filming his accomplishments. From wrestling sharks to throwing a pie in his roommate's face, trailers can be viewed at

In addition to showing his film-in-progress, Lowery will perform songs from the film's soundtrack.

Lansing-based bands James Collin and Sharp Shore also will take the stage.

The event is open to all ages, and admission is $5 at the door. Additional donations will be accepted.


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