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Silent auction raises funds

May 21, 2007
Robin Ross of Dimondale talks with Mu Hyung Lee in Korea. Ross teaches English as a second language to business students there. The Women's Center of Greater Lansing helped Ross get the job after her first day at the Center. Since then Ross has been volunteering at the Center as often as she can. The Center offers different types of support groups, counseling services, job search and résumé preparation services. Patrons can even borrow clothes for interviews.

Lansing — The late afternoon sun shone through the windows of the historic Potter House in Friday as individuals filed in to support the Women's Center of Greater Lansing.

Dream, Girl!, the name of the Women's Center's first major fundraiser, ushered in about 200 guests to the 1926-built home located at 1348 Cambridge Road, with the goal of raising $25,000.

The fundraiser created a "solid financial foundation" for the Center, said Cindie Alwood, the center's co-director and co-founder.

Alwood is currently the only regular staff member who works Monday through Friday at the Center. Raising sufficient funds would greatly aid the Center in keeping a more permanent staff.

"We rely heavily on interns and volunteers," Alwood said. "They help where they can."

People had the opportunity to wine and dine their way through the home's many elaborate rooms.

A silent auction also was held to help raise money for the Center. About 60 items were auctioned off, including a basketball signed by MSU men's basketball head coach Tom Izzo and former MSU women's basketball head coach Joanne P. McCallie. Local businesses and individuals donated bracelets, candles, gift certificates and other various items for people to bid on.

"To be so young and have this kind of financial support is wonderful for us," Alwood said. The Women's Center will celebrate its two-year anniversary in June.

The idea of a women's center in the Lansing area formed when Alwood, Manuela Kress and Zena Biocca realized there was a void of such a center in Lansing.

"We really knew there was a need for a community-based resource center," said Kress, a co-director and co-founder of the Women's Center.

The Center focuses its energy on helping women re-establish themselves, whether it is helping them find a job, a place to live or offering support groups.

Since the beginning of their service to the Lansing area, the nonprofit center has served more than 750 women.

Past clients of the center spoke of how they came upon the center and how they successfully utilized its resources in accomplishing their objectives.

After accomplishing her personal goals, Kalena Sawyer of Okemos was very appreciative of the Center.

"I am grateful for the Women's Center for directing my energy in a positive way," Sawyer said.

The night also introduced the Zena Biocca Dream, Girl! Scholarship, in honor of co-founder Biocca, who died last November from breast cancer.

The scholarship is intended to aid women who are ineligible for traditional financial aid, but wish to continue or their education.

Rhonda Atkins of Lansing has been a client of the Women's Center for the past three months. She said she appreciates the support groups available at the center.

"Meeting with women going through the same situation is really encouraging," Atkins said.

In addition, she said the Women's Center provides many resources to women who need assistance, such as clothing and a library.

"You're pampered when you go in there, no matter what class of woman you are," Atkins said.


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