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Liberal family life

For a very long time, most Democrats have been content enough to keep that John F. Kennedy book on its shelf without taking any real political action. In their younger years, they were passionate activists trying to better their country as well as the world.

As they got older though, many were reduced to apathetic, rich yuppies who in the sunshine and enjoyed their margaritas. Instead of getting involved with their community, they'd rather go on cruises and cultured vacations through Europe.

These writers, journalists, lawyers and movie directors all like the taste of the exciting life and not the dull family life many associate with Republicans.

However, they will soon find that they might make better use of their time making babies instead of just making margaritas at their five-star hotel's vacation suite. In fact, despite recent political victories, Democrats face long-term political struggles if they do not change their views about the most basic unit of American society - the family. If they don't, America could experience a major demographic change in the next 50 years.

According to a 2004 study conducted by The American Conservative, Republicans are having far more kids than Democrats. More Republicans procreating ensures that, in the future, the American population will largely be conservative. More Republicans voting means more Republicans will get into office.

Imagine 50 years from now, a society cut in half not between Republicans and Democrats, but between two extremes within one political party. Half the country would like to watch "Walker, Texas Ranger" and go to monster truck rallies. The other side would build humongous mansions built from the wealth of either oil or church organizations.

While this is obviously an exaggeration, the point is the entire country would only find their diversity within one political framework and way of life.

This is why Democrats need to wake up. They claim they have a progressive vision for society. They wish to make sure the underdogs are represented and that our country doesn't make a backward journey from the civil rights gains of the 1960s.

However, how are they going to fulfill this when they'd probably be better off having kids than writing books and going to political rallies? This is why it frustrates me when I see an intellectual couple on the National Geographic Channel who are totally out of tune with the way the world works.

"My wife and I," the husband will say delectably, "have been exploring the savanna for 15 years now. We've made so many encouraging discoveries, we hope to stay forever." Of course, this entails neglecting any sort of family life, having kids or contributing at all to the American political system.

What they don't know is that simultaneously on a separate channel, I watch an episode of "Cops" featuring a family of seven in a beat-up trailer with a "Bush '04" sticker proudly on display for all to see.

And Darwin said only the fittest procreate.

While young liberals, authors, professors, lawyers and others sacrifice their family life for their careers, society loses out. Not only are they not having any kids, they are not offering an alternative lifestyle to the conservative church families that now have a monopoly on morality in our country.

Meanwhile, liberals are championing gay marriages. This is sure to help the party even more, considering gay couples cannot naturally procreate.

The math is simple - if liberals don't start getting at least a little bit conservative in their family lives and procreate just a little bit more, soon America won't be as politically diverse as it is today.

I'm not saying having more kids should be a part of the liberal base. I'm just saying it would be nice for some liberals to look at the bigger picture and make a little bit of a legacy for themselves.

While having a bunch of kids might make a lot of liberals feel sick, it might be the only way to ensure that America sustains those pesky liberal reporters and writers in the future.

Isaac DeVille is an MSU English junior and State News columnist. Contact him at devillei@msu.edu.


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