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Lansing should celebrate Malcolm X

Why would a city choose to honor a racist? Why would it choose to honor someone who spoke with hate and bitterness?

Why not?

Malcolm X grew up in Lansing and Mayor Virg Bernero said he wants to do something to remind people of what he stood for.

Many people think he stood for racism, hate and violence.

They think his only contribution to the Civil Rights Movement was to oppose Martin Luther King Jr. They might oppose celebrating this man's life.

But they obviously don't know who he was.

The people who would oppose celebrating the life of a racist have a valid point, but they must realize Malcolm X was not racist. He was a man who faced opposition and would not let it conquer him.

During his childhood in Lansing, his house burned down, his father was brutally murdered and his family was torn apart. Violent threats and acts of terror from white racists plagued his life. And, for part of his life, he did speak of protecting himself, even if that meant using violence.

Violence, however, was not his overall message. He spoke about independence, freedom and power. Malcolm X encouraged blacks to own businesses and to support one another.

Malcolm X was an intelligent and articulate man who spoke for the betterment of the black community and should be recognized for his passion and ideals.

It is a wonderful idea for Lansing to honor Malcolm X.

Bernero announced his plan after he attended El-Hajj Malik El-Shabazz Public School Academy and witnessed its weeklong celebration of Malcolm X's birthday.

Honoring Malcolm X will help the people of Lansing know that the city has a history. By memorializing Malcolm X, residents will be even more informed about the historical value of the city.

Honoring Malcolm X and his contributions goes beyond recognizing the city's history. This action opens the gateway to honor other historical figures. It's a sad fact that Black History Month is synonymous with Martin Luther King Jr. That is not to say his contributions should be diminished, but others have to be recognized as well.

Too often one figurehead is used to symbolize a race or cause. This has had debilitating effects and makes it seem as if only the extraordinary can make a difference. Anyone can make a difference if they choose.

By honoring Malcolm X, the city will be honoring itself. It will recognize its past, celebrate the present and look toward the future.

Malcolm X did not stand for hate, anger or racism. He stood for the value of each person. In celebrating this man, Lansing celebrates itself and a shared ideal of excellence.


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