Tuesday, September 24, 2024

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Economic problems reveal government flaws

There is a major budget crisis going on in Lansing, and the last thing Michigan needs right now is a tax hike.

Michigan continues to be an environment that is unfriendly to businesses and continues taxing our hard-working families.

Spending is a major problem for Gov. Jennifer Granholm's administration and its solution to our problems is to raise our taxes.

What we need is massive government reform at the state level, along with county and local governments.

The government continues to ask us to cut our budgets. I'm wondering why they can't take a look at their own budget and cut that?

Remember the old saying, "that government is best which governs least." I urge the good people of this community to call their state representative and say no to any tax hike. It's time for real change - it's time to reform.

Steve Japinga
grassroots coordinator for Americans for Prosperity


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