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Murderers could get life sentences

April 18, 2007

Last fall, Christopher Lucas killed his girlfriend's mother with stomps to the head so ferocious, his boots left imprints.

But because of a "loophole" in the law, the 25-year-old Lyon Township resident was convicted of second-degree murder — giving him a chance for parole, said Oakland County Sheriff Michael Bouchard.

The outcome of this trial inspired Bouchard, Oakland County Prosecutor David Gorcyca and Rep. David Law, R-Commerce Township, to make sure domestic violence murderers are locked up for life.

"Anyone who commits such brutal acts deserves life behind bars," Bouchard said.

Law sponsored a bill to add domestic violence murders to the list of other predicate murders recognized by the legislature.

Predicate murders are murders people commit while performing a separate felony such as rape, armed robbery or child abuse, Gorcyca said.

People found guilty of predicate murder are automatically charged with first-degree murders, and consequently sentenced to life in prison, with no chance of parole, he said.

"If a death results from a domestic violence assault, the punishment should be as severe as if a death resulted from armed robbery or larceny," Law said. "This legislation guarantees that this is the case."

Under current law, murders that coincide with child abuse, larceny, kidnapping and aggravated assault are all considered predicate offenses.

"The current law doesn't properly address the brutality of some of these crimes," Gorcyca said. "It is time to revise the criminal system to count domestic violence on par with abuse and assault."

Bouchard echoed Gorcyca's sentiments.

"Punishments are intended to be relative and appropriate to the crime," Bouchard said.

There has been an increase in the amount of high-profile domestic violence murders the last few years,

One example, the Tara Lynn Grant case, received national attention after Grant was killed and dismembered. Her husband, Stephen Grant, has been charged in the crime.

"There seems to be a proliferation of domestic violence murders," Gorcyca said.


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