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Just within reach

Kris Turner

The movement is underway.

The gay community is coming out and demanding what we deserve — equal rights and treatment in society. The people who stand in the way of the lesbian, bisexual, gay and transgender community are being pushed aside. It's our time to shine.

I firmly believe that before I die, I will see a majority of the country embrace same-sex marriage. Although the United States has had a more conservative slant in the past several years, the tide is turning.

It's our generation, the iPod-wielding idealists, who must step forward and ensure the rights of all citizens — whether they be gay, lesbian, transgender or bisexual — are protected.

As society moves forward in the next 50-100 years, I hope we embrace a more tolerant outlook on how we treat people.

Last fall, I had the privilege of attending the National Lesbian and Gay Journalists Association's conference in Miami. Awarded a spot on its student project, I had no idea what I was getting myself into.

Walking into the Loews Miami Beach Hotel, I shivered with excitement, seeing so many successful queer journalists moving about. These people — professional and established gay journalists — are who I have spent the last three years trying to become.

As I began to network with the professional gay journalists throughout the trip, I realized how comfortable I felt among them. I was not only in my element as a journalist, I was in an environment where I felt completely comfortable as a gay man. I was able to take a brief glance into the lives of men and women who not only fostered successful careers, but also have happy home lives.

Although not married in the eyes of the U.S. government, many of association's members lead relatively typical lives. I was able to sit in on a panel discussion about gay families and the media, which allowed me to see that despite the obstacles in place, it's not impossible to settle down and have a family — something I eventually want to do.

My future as a successful gay journalist who can have it all isn't out of reach. It's going to require a lot of work and time, but I know that by eventually marrying the man I fall in love with (should I ever find him) and raising children, I will have done a small, yet significant part in changing the nation's fabric to a more gay-friendly one.

To all members of the LBGT community, happy Pride Week. It's our time to come out and demand what we deserve — the same things as everyone else.

Kris Turner is the State News city editor. Reach him at turner112@msu.edu.


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