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Organization is against all illegal immigration

Imagine that. A radical, liberal organization, the Southern Poverty Law Center, throwing the label of "hate group" at a conservative organization it can't compete with in the arena of ideas. I am disgusted that the SPLC is so intellectually dishonest as to resort to name-calling rather than to rationally debate the issues.

Heidi Beirich, deputy director of the Intelligence Project for the SPLC, said if it denigrates people for characteristics they cannot change, it is hateful, in "Law Center lists YAF as 'hate group'" (SN 3/15). Let's be intellectually honest. YAF does not engage in "immigrant bashing." YAF opposes illegal immigrants. Illegal immigrants can easily change the characteristic for which YAF denigrates them. They can return to their country of origin and follow the law. If they wish to come back, they can apply through the Immigration and Naturalization Service like every other person who enters legally.

Illegal immigration is a federal crime under Title 8 § 1325 of the U.S. Code. If they created families, that's unfortunate, but it doesn't negate the fact that they committed a crime. We take people away from their families and throw them in jail every day. How is sending criminals back to where they are from different?

I am fully in favor of legal immigration. In fact, my company hires many legal immigrants and encourages and assists them to legally bring their families to the United States.

Still think illegal immigration is no big deal? Let's make a simple analogy: The next time someone you know is assaulted or battered, just remember you thought a misdemeanor was no big deal.

Charles W. Skinner
first-year MSU College of Law student and president of the Conservative Law Society


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