A 22-year-old man with no university affiliation was arrested at 10:15 p.m. Sunday for carrying a concealed weapon without a permit, MSU police Sgt. Florene McGlothian-Taylor said. The Detroit resident was pulled over in his 1983 two-door Pontiac for making an illegal turn onto Crescent Road from Harrison Avenue. When the man was retrieving his registration and insurance from the glove box, the officer saw a handgun magazine, a chamber that holds the ammunition of a firearm. The man's car was then searched, and a 9mm handgun was found in the console between the two front seats.A 19-year-old male MSU student reported his iPod stolen between 8:05-9 p.m. Tuesday at IM Sports-West while he played basketball, McGlothian-Taylor said. The student placed the $270 iPod in the front pocket of his hooded sweatshirt and had placed the sweatshirt on the floor of one of the basketball courts. When he returned after playing, the iPod was missing. The student noticed a suspect in the area during the time it was stolen and described him as a 20-year-old male, about 5-foot-6, 130 pounds and wearing a red shirt, red hat, tan jacket and baggy pants.Laura Misjak
Police briefs 01/25/07
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