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Football player gets jail time

Through tears, former MSU football player Bobby Jones learned he'll be spending the next four weekends in jail Thursday for throwing an empty bottle of Captain Morgan on a 20-year-old woman.

The incident happened at the Chandler Crossings apartments on Oct. 15. Jones dumped the bottle's contents on the woman before throwing the bottle which hit her, Judge Richard Wells said Thursday morning during Jones' sentencing at Clinton County's 65-A District Court in St. Johns.

Jones, 21, pleaded no contest in December to an assault and battery charge. Wells originally sentenced him to 60 days behind bars, which will be reduced to 20 days once he pays court costs.

But after a request from Jones' lawyer, George Betts, Jones was allowed to finish his sentence from 7 p.m., Friday through 6 a.m., Monday each weekend until his 20 days are up. Any communication with the victim is prohibited, Wells said.

Betts said Jones is taking 14 credits this semester and hopes to attend graduate school for sociology. The Yankton, S. D., native is at MSU on a scholarship.

"The condition you exhibited that evening is totally unacceptable in society," Wells said. "I don't care if you're a football player or not."

Jones is one of four MSU football players charged after three separate scuffles fall semester. The other three cases are still in progress.

The 6-foot-4-inch, 300-pound Jones clenched a tissue in his right hand and his voice shook as he explained that he's trying to turn his life around.

"I'm looking beyond football. I'm not looking at football. I'm looking at my life," Jones said, adding that he hasn't consumed alcohol since the night of the incident. He was suspended from the team after the incident.

It's not known whether Jones, a backup defense tackle, will be allowed to rejoin the football team in the fall, MSU Associate Director for Athletics Media Relations John Lewandowski said.

"Bobby Jones remains suspended indefinitely," Lewandowski said. "His status will be re-evaluated once his legal situation is completely resolved."

Wells said Jones' criminal record shows he's been pulled over twice for drunken driving and has one minor in possession charge.

"In the past, I took it for granted," Jones said. "I know how quick things can be taken for you … I know I've learned."

Because the assault took place in Clinton County, Jones must check in with the county's jail, located nearly 30 minutes away, in the county's seat of St. Johns.

"You have ended up in a small, rural, conservative county," Wells said. "We live in this county because we don't want that kind of activity to be acceptable.

"You have brought this nonsense to the wrong community."

Betts said he's seen a change in Jones.

"He's doing it for himself, he plans to graduate," Betts said.

After sentencing, Wells explained his reasoning for assigning the jail time.

"I just want to see what your life is going to be like," Wells said.

"It's going to suck — I hope you hate it there ? You have to quit making poor decisions."


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