Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Editorial incorrect; use of cluster bombs proper

The possibility that Israel may have misused cluster bombs during the recent war against Hezbollah in Lebanon is of deep concern. Mid-level officials at the Pentagon and State Department suggest Israel did so while others argue Israel acted in accord with international law and the right of self-defense.

But what The State News claimed in an editorial, "Israeli use of cluster bombs unjust" (SN 1/29), is that Israeli use of cluster bombs was "unjust" and the war, "an abuse of power," goes too far. The facts are not in on cluster bombs, and Israel's war against Hezbollah was justified.

First, Hezbollah attacked Israel across a recognized international boundary; it also rained rockets down on towns and cities across northern Israel. These are acts of war; the latter are war crimes. They warranted massive reaction by Israel aimed at diminishing Hezbollah's capacity.

Second, Hezbollah is a state-within-a state; it is a rogue (if rooted) armed militia in Shia areas that possesses advanced weapons supplied by Syria and Iran. It observed no rules of engagement or citizen immunity.

Third, under international law, states from whose territory armed attacks are mounted are responsible for the attacks. Israel was justified in attacking Lebanon and infrastructure Hezbollah might use to rearm. Lebanon did not disarm Hezbollah under U.N. resolution 1559.

Finally, Hezbollah seeks the death of Israel and spread of radical Islam in the region. These extremists are transforming an ethno-national conflict about land and state boundaries into a conflict over existence. Thus threatened, Israel has the right, even duty, to defend itself.

Kenneth Waltzer
history professor and director of Jewish studies


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