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Suspected arson

November 8, 2006

A Lansing firefighter pours water on fuel burning underneath a scorched Cadillac Escalade Monday night.

The East Lansing Fire Department received a call at 10:40 p.m., but the burning car — located in an empty parking lot behind Dunham's on Michigan Avenue — was actually in Lansing city limits, so both departments responded.

"We gave them a little extra water," ELFD Capt. Ken Lehto said.

Because the SUV had so much fuel in it, however, Lehto said water was not putting it out and a fi re-retardant foam then had to be used to put it out.

"It appears that it was intentionally set," Lansing Fire Department inspector Brad Drury said, adding that the incident is under criminal investigation.

They have located the owner of the vehicle, Drury said, but no suspects have been identified yet.


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