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Waging war against cold, flu is as easy as these simple steps

October 18, 2006

As the winter months approach, our worst adversary is not the bitter cold or the frost on our windshields — it's the flu.

This troublesome virus wreaks havoc on our immune system. Influenza has one mission: to make us miserable through fever, headache, sore throat and exhaustion.

Jonathan Kermiet, a health educator with Olin Health Center, said the flu virus is becoming more prevalent among students.

"We always see an increase (in the flu)," Kermiet said. "We know about 84 percent of students report getting a cold or flu. Avoid sharing personal items with each other."

Each year, more than 200,000 people are hospitalized from flu-related issues, says the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. More than 36,000 people don't live to see another flu season.

But we can fight back. There are a few simple tactics you can use to win the war against influenza.

• Flu shot: It's simple — get one, and you greatly reduce your chances of getting the flu. When getting vaccinated, you have two choices: a shot or nasal spray. The shot contains killed virus and is suggested for those 6 months and older. The nasal spray has live weakened flu viruses, and should not be used by those under the age of 5.

• Wash your hands: The flu virus is picked up from surfaces touched by your hands and spread to your mouth. If you spend 15 to 30 seconds washing your hands with soap and warm water, you can kill some influenza agents that are desperately trying to invade your system.

• Keep your hands off your face: Just in case washing doesn't get all of those pesky viruses off your hands, avoid touching your face and spreading the germs into your body.

• Don't smoke: One of your best weapons against influenza is the cilia that line your nose and airways. The cilia in your nose trap incoming viruses and prevent the flu. When you smoke — regardless of the substance — you kill those cilia. This leaves you more susceptible.

• Avoid alcohol: If you are quitting smoking, you might as well get rid of booze. Alcohol can weaken your immune system, so drink more orange juice — minus the vodka — for the next couple of months.

• Get some sleep: Between cramming for exams and working late-night jobs, sleep can be an elusive luxury. But to properly maintain your immune system, it is necessary to get seven to nine hours of sleep.

Although you may not be able to avoid the flu this season, these tips can greatly increase your chances. So as your roommates slowly become victims of this tricky virus, remember to keep your hygiene in tip-top shape.


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