Monday, July 8, 2024

Gas line hit, Olin evacuated

No one injured in accident near new parking structure

June 1, 2006
Firefighters Blake Holt, left, and Lt. Jeff Alleman, right, watch as workers attempt to fix a gas line. Buildings located near the gas line, including Olin Health Center, were evacuated.

Construction workers hit a gas line Wednesday between 1:50 p.m. and 2:00 p.m. while working on the new parking ramp near Olin Health Center and Morrill Hall.

Employees of Olin Health Center were evacuated, but there were no injuries, said Debra Dodd, spokeswoman for Consumers Energy.

"The fire department thought it was best to evacuate the building since it was so near," Dodd said.

No other buildings were evacuated, MSU police said.

Consumers Energy officials were called to the scene to inspect and repair the damaged gas line. Dodd said the workers hit a plastic natural gas line used to transport gas to various buildings.

The gas leak was contained about 30 minutes after it occurred by pinching the pipe to isolate the damaged area, said Scot Wyman, deputy chief of the East Lansing Fire Department. The fire department brought two fire trucks to the scene, and two firefighters wearing their gear stood by the scene as workers attempted to crimp two areas of the pipe.

"We brought an extra truck or engine in case there's a fire, but that's precautionary," Wyman said.

Dodd said permanent repairs to the pipeline were completed by about 4 p.m.

She said the amount of natural gas in the air might not have been harmful, and fire department officials made sure levels stayed safe.

Dawn Boechler, a registered nurse at Olin, said employees were not panicked while evacuating.

"We're pretty well prepared," she said.

Olin officials were unavailable for comment Wednesday.

Dodd said after the gas was contained, Olin employees were permitted back in the building.

"Everything is back to normal," she said.

Laura Misjak contributed to this report.


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