In response to Shane Krouse's letter ("Get over it, professor's e-mail overrated issue," SN 5/16), the reason that Professor Wichman's e-mail is such a huge issue is because it currently reflects bigger issues not only within MSU, but also across the nation. This incident has aroused meaningful and necessary discourse on the issues of discrimination, free speech and representation of our diverse community.
Personally, I was taken aback and extremely disheartened by news of Professor Wichman's rude e-mail sent to a student organization. How can the university allow a professor like Wichman spreading words of ignorance, stereotypes and discrimination to continue without repercussions for his actions?
As a student highly engaged in the MSU community, I find it embarrassing and sickening to have such a professor someone who represents the university and who is supposed to be enriching students and sharing his knowledge teaching here at MSU.
And what about all of the talk lately of discrimination and harassment policies by the university? How can we expect students to live peacefully and respect differences when they see faculty acting out and spreading hateful ideas?
Although Wichman says he regrets the entire incident, he needs to not only be sorry in order to save face but also needs to apologize to both the Muslim Students' Association and to the entire university.
The future of the world is here, within the students of higher learning institutions. Our only hope for a better world is to open our minds, change our actions and demand not only tolerance, but celebration of diversity.
Rebecca Lewis
international relations senior