Monday, July 8, 2024

Olin provides excellent service to sick student

We've all heard the occasional (or not so occasional) complaint about the service at Olin Health Center. But the truth is that most of the doctors and nurses there are pretty good. I actually had an exceptional experience there last weekend.

The story starts the Thursday before, when I went out to dinner with a group of friends at Bravo Cucina Italiana restaurant. The food was good, the atmosphere was nice, and they didn't rush us — it was a nice evening.

Unfortunately, Friday night was not so nice. I'll spare the details, but I became very ill and quite dehydrated.

Nearly in tears from the nausea and sleep deprivation, I drove myself to the urgent care clinic at Olin Saturday morning.

From the moment I arrived, I was in good hands.

The receptionist expedited check-in and got me straight into a room where I could lay down. The nurses were with me almost immediately, and quickly got some medication for the nausea. Dr. Johnson and the nurses were very caring, checking on me frequently for the three and a half hours that I was there. They even stayed past closing time so that I could get the IV fluids that I needed, and to make sure that I was okay to go home.

So maybe you'll run into the occasional bad experience at Olin, but there are also lots of really great doctors and nurses there who really care about their patients.

Don't forget to thank them when they do a good job.

Kristin Horner
anthropology graduate student


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