Sunday, June 16, 2024

Spartans feeling home-ice advantage with attendance rise

February 20, 2006
Seniors, from left, David Booth, Ryan Hontvet, Jared Nightingale, Colton Fretter and Corey Potter accept applause from their team, coaches and crowd Saturday at Munn Ice Arena. The seniors were honored at their last home game and led their team to a 3-1 victory over Miami (Ohio).

Although Munn Ice Arena still isn't selling out games as consistently as it used to, the venue has given the Spartans more of a home-ice advantage throughout MSU's 11-2-2 run since the new year.

Since the Spartan Brass attended the Jan. 27 matchup against Michigan, about 100 band members have been a constant fixture at each home game, giving the arena more of a student atmosphere and more life.

"It's always fun to play in a building that's got some excitement in it," MSU head coach Rick Comley said. "This building's been criticized for years for being too quiet, but it's been pretty darn good since Christmas.

"The atmosphere is exactly what we want it to be."

In the last MSU home game prior to winter break on Dec. 2 against Bowling Green, fewer than 4,500 people filled the arena. In the Spartans' 3-1 win over Miami (Ohio) on Saturday, more than 6,000 were in attendance.

"The crowd's getting into it," senior defenseman Corey Potter said. "I've seen the wave a few times which is pretty interesting. When the crowd's into it, we're into it."

An occasional sight around the arena is two students who dress as the Blues Brothers. Their dance moves to the movie theme at selected stoppages of play have made them fan favorites at the rink.

"It's always nice to be home," sophomore forward Chris Mueller said. "The fans have been very good lately.

"You feel more comfortable and you know what you're going to get night in and night out in this rink."

Injury update

Comley said that sophomore forward Jim McKenzie — who left Friday's game after he was upended on the first shift of the game — suffered an injury to his shoulder but should be fine.

The Spartans rallied around McKenzie's injury in terms of motivation.

"When you see a player go down like that and is really hurting and can't come back, I think that sends a message to our team," senior forward David Booth said. "It gives you fire."

Comley said that McKenzie could have played Saturday, but decided to keep him out of the lineup for precautionary measures.

The only other injury on the Spartans roster is sophomore defenseman Jeff Dunne. Dunne will likely miss the rest of the season with a nagging shoulder injury.


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