Sunday, September 29, 2024

Take a peek behind the curtain and test drive the NEW today!

Word on the street

Do you think the recommendations made by the independent committee investigating the April 2-3 disturbances will have any effect on how decisions are made in the city?

"I don't necessarily think that it will have a bearing on the city. These disturbances should not happen, and the police should do what they have to do. Tear gas should only be used as a last resort."

Alex Starks
premedical freshman

"East Lansing City Council doesn't care about students. They pass all of these ordinances that don't benefit students. I understand that they are concerned with the safety of families and children, but this is a college campus and they don't acknowledge that at all. They take away all of the fun and benefits of being on a college campus. I commend the group for trying to make things better, but I don't see anything coming from it."

Kellie Davis
retailing junior

"I think that college kids are going to be college kids, and if any action is going to be taken against them then the university has to do it. It is not the city's problem to clean up after students."

Alberto Nickerson
graduate student


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