Friday, May 3, 2024

Clothes contribute to reasons to rape

I agree there is no excuse for a man to rape a woman and this crime shouldn't go unpunished, but one of the last opinion articles entitled "Rape isn't caused by clothes, only people" (SN 10/11) was obviously written by a female who couldn't possibly understand what it is like to be male.

It is considered a myth that how a woman dresses is a sole cause in a rape case, but that does not mean it is not a contributing factor or condition to triggering a man to commit rape. Myths are opinion based, just like theories that are not always proven right or wrong.

Whenever I walk down the street on my way to class I usually do not pay much attention to females in a lustful way unless she is either very attractive or in fact wearing clothes that show excessive skin. The fact is, men are stimulated by sight, which is obviously common sense and it is important to understand that males and females are influenced by different things.

It would also be common sense to conclude that a woman who dresses in revealing clothes will obviously stimulate male hormones a lot faster than a female that's dressed properly. Not all men who rape are mentally unstable and target any random woman to rape at any given time. There have to be some motives involved, such as lust or passionate desires.

I don't think anyone would disagree with me, at least not any males, if I stated that in most cases a scantily dressed female causes more lust in a man's eyes than a woman dressed casually.

Obviously, a man who commits rape is at fault, not the woman, because he failed to control his own urges. But girls, with all due respect, do you honestly think a man is going to stare at your breasts any less if your shirt doesn't reveal your cleavage. Sorry to say it girls, but yes, men will pay attention to your breasts whether you wear a skimpy shirt or not.

Yes, in our society you have the freedom to wear whatever you want. But it doesn't mean it's a good idea to flaunt yourself with the clothes you wear when men are more aggressive and have a more difficult time dealing with sexual urges.

Now what kind of men do you think skimpy clothes will attract: A decent man or a man who might want to take advantage of you to satisfy his sexual desires? Sounds scary, huh?

I respect a woman who cares about how she dresses because it shows that she respects her body and other people's opinions about her.

Matt Cook
zoology sophomore


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