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ASMSU, city officials convene to address relationship with students

September 23, 2005
East Lansing City Manager Ted Staton jokes with Andrew Schepers, chairperson for ASMSU's Student Assembly during dinner Wednesday. ASMSU invited city officials to Lou & Harry's Grille Room as a way to improve relations between students and the city.

At two large tables in the back of Lou & Harry's Grille Room, 20 East Lansing officials and student leaders met Wednesday evening to become acquainted and discuss issues in an attempt to improve city and student relations.

Leaders of ASMSU, MSU's undergraduate student government, contacted city officials about meeting for dinner at the restaurant, 235 Ann St., and the two groups were able to find some common ground, said Melissa Horste, director of community affairs for ASMSU's Student Assembly.

"It humanized both groups, because there is this sort of tension ... there's some misunderstanding between the city and the university," Horste said. "Now we're a little more comfortable with each other, and comfortable to sit down and talk about anything that's going on and affects both East Lansing and the students."

ASMSU members said they invited members of the greek community and the Residence Halls Association, but those members had previous engagements. The greek community has hosted a program in the past to bring its community together with the city, but this was the first dinner ASMSU organized for city officials.

The meeting was a step toward better relations, especially after the April 2-3 disturbances, said Andrew Bell, vice chairperson for external affairs for ASMSU's Student Assembly.

"Everyone was really looking forward to moving on from the April 2 event," Bell said. "Let's all make the effort to move on together, make things better together - no us vs. them."

Throughout the evening, students and city officials discussed everything from city and university policies to Spartan football and Hurricane Katrina.

The students said they were pleased to hear that the City Council plans to keep students in mind while redeveloping the East Village, said Roger Ludy, Student Assembly's vice chairperson for internal affairs.

Students also gave their input on issues such as a possible citywide smoking ban and the problems with increased alcohol consumption by students.

East Lansing police Chief Tom Wibert said he and the students agreed on many things concerning safety and alcohol consumption.

Student Assembly Chairperson Andrew Schepers brought up his idea to send a letter to students' parents informing them of the problems students face with drinking.

Wibert said he would be interested in learning more about Schepers' letter.

"There are safety concerns with the amount of (alcohol) consumption going on and assaults we have had," Wibert said. "If my kid was going to MSU, I would certainly want to know what the problems are."

Councilmember Vic Loomis said he had never met about half of the ASMSU members who went to the dinner, so he enjoyed the opportunity to get to know members of the student government and hear what they had to say about different issues important to the community.

"It helped create a more open and encouraging communications channel," Loomis said. "Whenever you meet someone and have the opportunity to talk to them, particularly in a social setting, that really helps in your long-term ability to communicate."


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