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Giveaways differ between sexes

August 29, 2005
Lansing resident Joshua Becker hands out freebies Friday to passing students in front of the Student Book Store, 421 E. Grand River Ave. The "campus trial paks" contained coupons and sample-size products.

During Welcome Week every year, students gather in front of the Student Book Store, 421 E. Grand River Ave., to receive their campus trial paks with free samples inside - one for guys and one for girls.

By Sunday afternoon, however, a large pile of the girls' paks remained, while the guys' paks were all gone.

"Every lady that I talked to said they liked the guys' pak better because it comes with a Schick Quattro razor," said Joshua Becker who works for Kelly Services, the company that handed the paks out.

The guys' paks came with the razor and a condom and the girls' with Ramen Noodles and body spray.

Howard Ballein, general manager at the bookstore said they've had the campus paks for about 20 years.

"I think that people like them. I think people appreciate them and use many of the products in them," Ballein said.

Ballein also said the bookstore has no control over what is put in the paks because they are ordered from Alloy Media and Marketing, which was unavailable for comment. Ballein said he has not personally heard any complaints about the paks, but noticed the difference between the guys' and the girls' paks.

"I looked at it this year and thought it was a little overbalanced to the guy," Ballein said. "But sometimes it goes the other way too and the ladies' has more desirable items in it."

Ballein also said the bookstore was not discriminatory in the way the paks were handed out.

"The women could have a guys' if they wanted it, or have one of each," Ballein said. "We don't restrict them."

Some students receiving the paks said they didn't even notice the difference, and were happy to receive free samples.

"It's just a free sample," journalism freshman Kristin Scarth said. "The only reason guys get them is because of the free condom."

But whether students feel the paks are unfair or not, the bookstore just wants to do something for their customers, Ballein said.

"The kids kind of seem to like it and we don't have trouble getting rid of several thousand. So someone must be taking them."


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