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Primary election on Aug. 2

Candidates for Lansing mayor and Lansing City Council members and two proposals are items that will be on the Aug. 2 primary ballot.

Although East Lansing residents and those on MSU's campus are unable to vote in the Lansing primary, Department of Political Science Chairperson Richard Hula said events in Lansing can affect adjacent cities.

"It is always better to be informed than uninformed. What goes on in Lansing does affect those in East Lansing and on campus," he said. "The strength of that core area will define how the rest of the area does."

Kelly Chesney, spokesperson for Secretary of State Terri Lynn Land, said 53 counties in the state will hold elections on Aug. 2.

"It's important that they exercise their right to vote; these issues can impact them in their communities and in their pocket," she said. "Voting allows you to have a say in matters that affect you."

Hula said he hopes MSU students living in Lansing vote.

"It is sort of a fact of life: Young folks typically don't get involved in politics. They don't vote," he said. "I think it is to their disadvantage and to the disadvantage of the whole political system."

The Capital Area Transportation Authority, or CATA, is offering free rides to customers who present a valid voter registration card to bus drivers on election day.

Voters will get an opportunity to narrow the mayoral race from four candidates to two for the general election held on Nov. 8.


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