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Graffiti artist paints Flats Grille

Restaurant owner finds local talent for new exterior

July 14, 2005
Employees Randee Horton, left, and Elicia Rivera pose in front of graffiti near Flats Grille, 551 E. Grand River Ave. The restaurant's owner commissioned former MSU studio art student Joseph Houghton to paint the mural after taking applications.

Artist Joseph Houghton paints graffiti that people will pay to have on their walls.

In an effort to beautify a vacant wall, Flats Grille owner Paul O'Connor commissioned Houghton to paint a large mural on the side of his restaurant at 551 E. Grand River Ave.

"We had a lot of dead space out there," O'Connor said. "I decided to put a sign up saying 'graffiti artist wanted.'"

O'Connor said about 30 artists applied for the job, but he liked Houghton's work above the other candidates.

"I wanted graffiti art for sure," he said. "It seemed really cool - better than more traditional signage and art."

After about three days of work, the majority of the wall is already done, Houghton said. Already on the wall are 'Cool is East Lansing' with a sun, peace sign and a chicken, which O'Connor said is the mascot of Flats Grille.

Employees said they are impressed with the art on the side of the restaurant.

"I could tell that once he was done, it'd be really cool," manager Nate Flanner said.

O'Connor plans to add more illustrations to the wall.

"There's going to be a big rubber duck and 'rock 'n' roll' with musical notes," he said.

Houghton said there wasn't a definite completion date, and he will work on the mural until O'Connor is satisfied.

"He tells me what he wants, and I give it my spin," he said.

O'Connor said he has the permission from the city of East Lansing to have the graffiti art on the wall.

But anything referring to the restaurant will be considered a sign and need to be regulated by the city's Code Enforcement and Neighborhood Conservation Department.

"This is called a legal wall where they're allowed to do this," O'Connor said.

Houghton said he has 12 years experience with aerosol art and has done similar work for other businesses and clients.

"I consider myself a professional," Houghton said. "I've been doing it so long."

An MSU alumnus with a degree in studio art, Houghton did murals for other local businesses, such as Applause Salon, 1447 E. Michigan Ave. in Lansing, and Gone Wired Cafe, 2021 E. Michigan Ave. in Lansing. He said he does T-shirt designs for as a side job.

Houghton said he tries to get as much experience as possible. He uses his projects to add to his portfolio, which can be seen at, and doesn't rely on making profit.

"I usually charge the cost of materials and get a tip," he said.

Houghton said people passing by have commented on his work at Flats Grille.

"I just chit-chat with anyone who comes by and tell them what it is," he said. "I haven't heard any complaints."

O'Connor said he's pleased with the work Houghton has done.

"It's kind of a tribute to East Lansing and a tribute to Flats," he said. "It's amazing what you can do with a few cans of spray paint."


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