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WEB ONLY: Simon responds to April 2-3 events

Editor's Note: The folllowing is the full text of MSU President Lou Anna K. Simon's statement on the April 2-3 disturbances:

April 18, 2005

Statement Regarding MSU/East Lansing Assessment of Events of April 2

As both the Spartan men's and women's teams headed down a road paved in green to the Final Four, the MSU community came together to urge that members of "Team MSU" celebrate responsibly, win or lose. From faculty-led classroom discussions, to e-mails from Coaches Izzo and McCallie, to public service videos with Chris Hill and Lindsay Bowen, to calls from student leaders, to a joint press conference with East Lansing leaders, members of the MSU family reminded each other that since the regrettable demonstrations of 1999, media and others nationally look closely at how we celebrate athletic success.

On the whole, I am very proud of how our students responded. The overwhelming majority behaved appropriately on Saturday night, April 2. I think it also is clear that an isolated few - and I warn against using terms "student" or "MSU student" - posed a threat to the "celebrate responsibly" mandate. Those few, I firmly believe, should see that there are significant consequences to their behavior. However, the assumption that, because a few engaged in highly unacceptable behavior others would have automatically followed suit, does not meet the 2005 experiences of the previous weekend.

Serious questions have been raised about police actions, both pre-emptive and responsive, that Saturday night. Minimal on-campus incidents and property damage were reported. Since all incidents and police responses now in question occurred within the jurisdiction of the City of East Lansing, the city is formally reviewing the off-campus incidents, including crowd behavior, and police conduct and tactics. The city has promised to seek information and counsel from a broad array of interested parties, including MSU students.

I am urging all, including students, to provide their observations to the commission and to ASMSU, and I am asking the commission to look upon the participants as celebrants, not as potential "rioters." I commend this in-depth, evidence-based approach to fact-finding and have pledged to city leaders that, after the fact-finding commission presents its conclusions, we will work closely with the city to formulate plans for the future.

This is a time to study and analyze, free of bias or foregone conclusions. As educators, that is a process we respect and will support. I have said that "Team MSU" is a community-wide concept, based on shared values, commitments, and expectations of ourselves and each other. As we look to the future, we do so with confidence that "Team MSU" will continue the impressive progress we have made since 1999.

In recent years, we have pioneered programs that, based on research, confront the realities and myths of celebratory behavior, from 21st birthday celebrations to Final Four celebrations. I am proud of the extensive and effective work accomplished by groups on campus and in the city, including the City of East Lansing, Student Services, Olin Health Center, Housing and Food Services, East Lansing merchants and landlords, Governmental Affairs, Healthy U, regional health officials, the Community Relations Coalition and many others. I believe that the momentum we have built through all of these efforts must continue. The alternative is unacceptable to me and to all others who cherish and respect the image and reputation so many have worked to achieve. This continuing progress should include increased support for the Community Relations Coalition, a neighborhood-based organization working to eradicate barriers in our community.

-Lou Anna K. Simon, President


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