Sunday, September 29, 2024

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Think ahead

Students should begin solving potential issues with their lease soon after choosing to sign up

Leasing dates have long been a thorn in the side of MSU students. Those departing for the summer worry about obtaining a subleaser so they won't have to pay high rental fees while they are away. Those struggling to get through final exams worry about being kicked out of their residences prior to the school year ending.

Things can get messy in the world of rental housing, and it would be nice to see landlords and realtors become more sensitive to our schedules. A nine-month lease could end, or vastly deplete, the bother of finding a subleaser for summer months. Some sort of adherence to MSU's academic schedule would ensure that students are able to finish up their classes before having to worry too much about packing. In a perfect world, students would have rental arrangements that cater nicely to their needs.

That said, it should come as no surprise that the world is not perfect and landlords aren't the caring matrons we'd like them to be. Instead, students striking out in the world of rental property and lease signings have to be realistic, and they have to plan ahead. If you have gone over the terms of your lease, you are familiar with the dates it covers. You should know that you might not be staying in the residence during a summer covered by the lease. You also should be able to realize that your lease period might end prior to the semester.

Make a note of these things and begin planning what you can do to minimize the discomfort they might give you. Talk to your landlord. Coordinate colorful, grandiose campaigns for a summer subleaser.

Do what you have to do. That way, when these issues have to be faced, you'll have something more productive to do than whine.


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