Monday, September 30, 2024

Take a peek behind the curtain and test drive the NEW today!

Word on the street

How can the East Lansing City Council make East Lansing a better environment for students?

"Bridge the gap between older residents and students. They need to make it easier for the two to work together and solve issues."

Ryan Longoria | history senior

"The stop lights get on my nerves - everything has a no turn on red. I get very frustrated; it takes a long time to get anywhere."

Bruce Henning | mathematics senior

"East Lansing is really student-friendly. There are a lot of problems with families who live here - (students) are loud and want to party every night after exams."

Kari Jones | journalism junior

"Poll the students and get their opinions on things instead of making unilateral decisions on things. Most of East Lansing's residents are students."

Kira King | English junior


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