Sunday, September 29, 2024

Take a peek behind the curtain and test drive the NEW today!

Take it indoors

Proposed public urination ban a necessary, though possibly extreme, campus measure

It's a Saturday afternoon during football season, you've had a couple of drinks and game time is approaching. You step into a line of about 60 or so people waiting to get into the game, and you have to urinate.

With the ticket booth slowly admitting fans, every minute counts as you search for the perfect spot. All of a sudden, you see the promised land.

Sprinting toward a bush or tree that might conceal the act, you begin to release the pressure in your bladder when you're stopped short by a cop yelling at you. You've been busted.

ASMSU officials have passed a bill that supports a university proposal to ban public urination on campus. The draft of the ordinance says no person can "urinate or defecate in any public place or upon any public or private property, except in a sanitary facility intended for such activities."

This makes sense to us. We live in a society complete with indoor plumbing and convenient portable toilets. There is absolutely no doubt that such an ordinance should be in place, although we wish it wasn't necessary.

If caught and found guilty, an offender is ticketed with disorderly conduct for an act labeled a misdemeanor. If apprehended three times for the offense, a person has a good chance of being added to the state's sex offenders list.

This point doesn't really make sense. Sure, public urination is repugnant and inconsiderate, but it doesn't add up that it could land a person on such an ominous, damning list.

In the end, any sane, rationally thinking person should be able to realize that relieving themselves outdoors is not an appropriate act on campus.

If you like that sort of thing, go camping.


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