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New rental design unveiled

January 28, 2005

The Taco Bell on Grand River Avenue might be getting a new neighbor - an updated building design for the Bailey Street site was discussed Wednesday at East Lansing's planning commission meeting.

"We have unit designs that are not found in this rental area," said David Krause, one of the plan's developers.

Corey Partnership, the project's developer, had similar plans for the same area turned down by the East Lansing City Council last November. According to a staff report, the city rejected that plan because it said the project was aimed at the student rental market.

"The concern was the density of the project and the fact that there already was a significant number of multi-unit properties in that area," said Councilmember Vic Loomis. "It was a question of putting more of the same in the area."

Taking some of the City Council's advice, the revised plan includes large apartments that are set to be licensed to two unrelated people or families, Krause said.

One significant change from the developer's original efforts is the absence of condominiums, which were aimed at creating an area of mixed living.

Some residents remain concerned about the potential impact of the plan. Sally Silver, chairwoman of the Bailey Neighborhood Association, voiced the concerns during the commission meeting.

"We have always preferred that the units be owner occupied," she said. "In the fall, the developers came forward with a plan that had one floor of condos - we felt that was a compromise."

In addition to the concern about who would occupy the apartments, Silver cited other problems residents had with the proposed development.

"It is not exemplary," she said. "We would like to see this building be finer, at least as it presents itself on the exterior."

Although the plan has been heavily debated and revised since last fall, it could reach a vote in the near future, Planning Commissioner Dale Springer said. If passed by the commission, it would then be submitted to the City Council for review.

"I would not be surprised to see action taken on Feb. 9," Springer said. "It does look like a quality project."


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