Monday, September 30, 2024

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Soaring away

Ashcroft's resignation from attorney general leaves much to be desired in Dept. of Justice

Lyrics by Attorney General John Ashcroft: "Let the eagle soar/Let it soar like she's never soared before/From rocky coast to golden shore/Let the mighty eagle soar."

Lyrics by The State News: "With you clutched tightly/ in her mighty talons/taking you far, far away/from any position/of civil service."

As attorney general, Ashcroft did more to limit our freedoms and liberties than he did to expand or celebrate them. His confirmation by the Senate was narrow. The USA PATRIOT Act he championed so mightily as the bedrock of the war on terror has unfairly infringed upon the formerly-celebrated freedoms Americans enjoy: Highly secretive and terrorizing practices, such as visiting libraries and immigrating to America. Ashcroft says that we live in an America that is stronger and safer than ever. If strength is measured by the amount of people diametrically opposed to the current Bush administration, then yes - we are a mighty nation indeed.

It was no coincidence that when former presidential candidate Sen. John Kerry promised to nominate an attorney general who would actually uphold the Constitution instead of sullying it, it got the loudest cheer from the entire Democratic National Convention this summer.

Between Ashcroft's resignation around 6 p.m. on Tuesday and the nomination of his replacement - White House counsel Alberto Gonzales - at around 4 p.m. on Wednesday, we held great optimism. We hoped the administration had learned from the mistake of running a nearly unconstitutional version of the Department of Justice. Gonzales is now celebrating the second time he's been appointed to a higher office by Bush. Talk about a buzz-kill.

Take care, Ashcroft. Take care of yourself. You won't be missed.


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