Monday, September 30, 2024

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In the money

ASMSU's $600,000 risk management account is too large to afford stagnancy it now faces

It must be a tremendously troubling burden to sit on $600,000 in risk-management funds. What a bore, what a chore, what a taxing, vexing problem to have - too much money and no where to spend it. Yet there it sits, burning a hole in ASMSU's pocket.

Before Thanksgiving break, ASMSU representative Derek Wallbank said the undergraduate student government was wasting taxpayer money by letting its risk management account gorge itself into what it currently is - $600,000 sitting in the bank for emergencies. Redistribution to different ASMSU accounts would require the money to be used within three months - it's beyond us as to why - and the prospect of liquidating it would essentially forego the purpose of risk management.

So, Wallbank and ASMSU, if there's too much money on the books, what to do with your riches? We suggest looking to another MSU undergraduate governing body, the Residence Halls Association.

There is a slight overlap in purpose and function between RHA and ASMSU. Both groups hold campus events and concerts - RHA brought us Michael Moore last January and ASMSU landed Jason Mraz in August - and both groups are assemblies of student government. The difference is that RHA caps their risk management fund to $30,000 to cover the same liabilities that ASMSU is protecting with their cool $600,000, and ASMSU doesn't look into insuring their events in case of emergency.

It's our responsibility as constituents of ASMSU to not only demand fiscal responsibility from them, but also the most effective use of our tax dollars. We encourage them to cap their risk-management funds if they feel it's an excessive waste and insure themselves against a hefty lawsuit. The difference is up for redistribution at the assembly's discretion.

Funny how such a cumbersome situation can be resolved in a few paragraphs.


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