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Spartans won't be bowling, but season gave enough reason to be proud of John L.'s boys

The Spartans total offensive package was not delivered Saturday at Penn State. Although there's the depressing realization that the Spartans will not advance to a bowl game, we have to acknowledge this was by no means a losing season.

If MSU prevails in its Dec. 4 game against Hawaii, the record will stand at 6-6, making the Spartans one of, if not the best, .500 teams in the nation. There won't be any hardware, trophies or rings to pass around, but this season had its share of moral victories, win or lose. It has been a while since that could be said in Spartan Country.

Even though they walked away losers at Michigan after three overtimes, the Spartans gave you one of the most exciting football games you'll ever see the Spartans play. It was a heartbreaking loss, but after that game, there wasn't any doubt that MSU had enough heart to survive some breakage.

Later this season, we slammed the undefeated, then-No. 4 Wisconsin into the ground. Quarterback Drew Stanton, returned from injury to destroy the Badgers, and running backs Jehuu Caulcrick, Jason Teague and DeAndra Cobb instilled the fear of God into opposing defensive lines. The seniors sang the fight song to a packed house and we were on top of the world, if only for a week.

But what did the team really win? Nothing. MSU isn't playing a bowl game and they finished nowhere near the top of the Big Ten. Their quarterback situation was a mess until the end of the third game, and at times, Stanton looked like he was held together with dental floss. On paper, this will look like an average season.

It's been anything but, though. At times, MSU looked like one of the best teams in the nation, even if the scores don't reflect it. So chins up. John L. and his .500 crew gave us the highest highs we've felt around here in some time.

Let's remember that on Dec. 4 and on until the 2005 seasons kicks off.


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