Monday, September 30, 2024

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Worldly friend

President McPherson's work to curb hunger in Africa flies under radar, but is appreciated

We've raked MSU President M. Peter McPherson's name and persona through the mud before in print, on The State News Live - Fridays at 7 p.m. on WDBM (88.9-FM) - and in the artistic stylings of cartoonist Nate Allen. Today, we will show some appreciation.

One of the most important accomplishments of McPherson's tenure at MSU actually has nothing to do with anyone here on campus. In fact, it has nothing to do with anyone on this continent. All while presiding over campus in East Lansing, McPherson has been a long-standing philanthropist in the cause to curb hunger in the African continent.

McPherson's most recent endeavor is "Partnership with Africa," a project designed to increase the United States' long-term support efforts for African nations in need. Short-term, stop-gap support for repairing African nations' infrastructure is not enough to reverse the long-term problems the continent faces, and it's encouraging to see a representative of MSU confront this global problem head-on.

Our campus has the nearly limitless potential to fight hunger worldwide. We've hybridized crops suitable to be grown in regions known for their inhospitable nature. Our research capabilities to manage pests that destroy crops and improve the quality of livestock apply to agricultural shortfalls across the globe. MSU can - and does - make a deep imprint on the battle against famine, especially in Africa. We'd be remiss to not acknowledge our president for the commendable work he does in making sure our efforts are known - and available.

McPherson is an asset to the continent and in that regard, a tremendous ambassador of Spartans to the rest of the world. These efforts may go unnoticed here at MSU, but be assured that we're making an impression on the rest of the world. We have our president to thank.


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