Monday, September 30, 2024

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No surrender

Vote for Change rockers fighting good fight by giving civic duty prominence in pop music

Democracy in action is a beautiful thing. When the majority, or minority, are compelled to risk their social status in the name of promoting what they feel is important, so be it.

The Vote for Change tour, which rolled through East Lansing, Detroit, Auburn Hills and Grand Rapids on Sunday evening, is an excellent demonstration of just that. Is a touring band of musicians rocking against the Bush administration playing to the choir? Of course they are. But regardless of what musicians say, wear or promote at these shows, keep in mind that the entire venture is free of self-serving interest or capital gain. We are witnessing civic duty in a larger-than-life form and paying handsomely to do so. People care about politics again. Musicians are people, too.

The nature of's Vote for Change tour, though, is shockingly partisan. At Detroit's Cobo Hall last night, Michael Stipe from R.E.M. wore a shirt in support of presidential candidate Sen. John Kerry and Bruce Springsteen tagged John Kerry and John Edwards as the next leaders of our country. If the purpose of the tour was to get people out to vote, encouraging only one side of the equation seems like a bit of wasted energy.

But, what these musicians and have done is mobilize social influence from arena to arena.

If Springsteen is willing to lose fans for his politics, he's being unabashed about it. If Stipe is willing to ostracize fans by wearing a Kerry T-shirt, it's a sound bet that the type offended by such an article of clothing are not fans of R.E.M.'s social agenda, anyway. These musicians are in a place to influence others for what they feel is a sound cause. It's hardly risky, and maybe even hardly effective, but it's damn admirable.

If their candidate of choice is not running for re-election in 2008, we hope the Vote for Change rockers will continue their crusade against the apathetic. It's not about President Bush and it's not about Kerry. It's about changing the current face of politics as we know it.


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