Monday, September 30, 2024

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Joel and Phil

In race to fill two eligible seats on MSU Board of Trustees, we support Ferguson, Thompson

And then there were two. The State News is endorsing two candidates for the two open positions on the MSU Board of Trustees. Bear in mind, this is essentially a local issue being voted on in statewide polls. We, however, are a part of the community that will be immediately affected by these choices, and it's our sincere hope that all voters try to recognize the impact trustees have on the MSU student. Voters from Marquette to Monroe need to know: These candidates will be responsible for pulling MSU out of "belt-tightening" economic struggle and fostering a new era of administrative relations with campus.

That said, we feel it's necessary to give our full endorsement to two candidates who are attuned with and demonstrate a respect for the MSU student. Incumbent trustee Joel Ferguson, D-Lansing, and challenger Phil Thompson, D-Owosso receive the full endorsement of The State News for demonstrating qualities of leadership, accessibility to students at large - not just college newspapers - and confirming their commitments to diversity and equal rights to all members of the MSU community.

Both Ferguson and Thompson have an altruistic motivation in leading MSU. There isn't an ulterior motive in Ferguson's run for re-election, and there aren't any apparent compromises in Thompson's bid. They share a great deal of opinions, and where they differ, it is the result of experience, not politics. The qualities and sentiments behind this endorsement reflect the personal qualities that a trustee should embody. Partisan politics aren't a tremendous player in the MSU boardroom, and we think the addition of Thompson and the retention of Ferguson would continue that.

Ferguson is at the top of his political aspiration. He's the Vice Chairman of the Democratic National Committee Black Caucus, a prominent figure in national and state politics, but, above all that, an MSU trustee. Ask him, and he'll tell you.

What intrigues us about Ferguson is his reluctance to "legislate to the lowest common denominator." Ferguson knows that the majority of us are responsible students capable of making responsible choices regarding our personal welfare. The irresponsible actions of a few - namely, the inspiration for the current tailgate "pilot program" - is not an accurate representation of who we are as a student body and a university. Ferguson is devoted to maintaining that.

About the only place Ferguson and Thompson differ is on the displacement of the MSU College of Human Medicine to Grand Rapids. Ferguson sees it as outreach to alternate revenue, while Thompson wants a more pragmatic approach to the move's necessity. Like his incumbent counterpart, Thompson is committed to affirmative action and the role it takes in operation of a Big Ten university, maintaining domestic partner benefits for MSU employees and reaching out to students above all.

A vote for Ferguson and Thompson on Nov. 2 is a vote to mend the administrative rift that exists on campus. We urge you to do so.


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