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Holden Hall survey addresses assaults

Report: Students feel safe in dorms

October 28, 2004

The questions ranged from whether students felt safe living in Holden to whether they have received unwanted physical attention.

The responses residence life staff said they were most surprised by were the response to the question "Do you believe that victims are partially to blame for acquaintance rapes by leading their attacker on?"

Sixty five, or 44.8 percent, who replied said they agreed victims were partially to blame.

The survey was advertised via a flier in student mailboxes last week and was put up on It featured 10 yes/no questions pertaining to sexual assault. In the unofficial survey, students could pick which questions they wanted to answer.

The results of the survey were presented in a meeting in Holden Tuesday night.

Jenny Koslovsky, assistant hall director of Holden, said the survey was the result of brainstorming by about eight mentors in Holden.

"We wanted to get students' feelings about the situation," Koslovsky said. "When we sat down, we originally asked what's affecting students right now.

"And the first thing we said was, 'The sexual assaults.'"

The meeting started with an interactive game meant to illustrate how victims feel when they are assaulted. Some students received apples and were told to hang onto them as though they were their most prized possession. Those who didn't have them were told to get them at any cost. Students ran all over the room, fighting to gain an apple.

The tone turned serious when the purpose of the game was explained. Those with the apples represented victims and those without represented assailants.

"While it was silly at some parts, it revealed how some people felt in an assault situation," Koslovsky said.

After the explanation, mentors presented resources and facts about sexual assaults, that included what students can do if they are sexually assaulted and national statistics about college sexual assaults.

Kinesiology freshman Ashley Palarski was more shocked by some of the national results.

"I'm surprised that 90 percent of people assaulted had alcohol in their system," Palarski said. "It just shows you have to be careful when you go out."

That statistic, 90 percent of acquaintance rapes involve alcohol, was found on a Sexual Assault Statistics page from Penn State University's version of health center, said Holden mentor and finance senior Sean Barnes.

Penn State's statistics were taken from "I Never Called it Rape" by Robin Warshaw.

Holden was the site of two reported sexual assaults. Police said one of the reports, where a girl told police she was assaulted outside Holden Hall on Oct. 10, was falsified.

There have been 11 reported sexual assaults on campus this semester. There has been one arrest and warrants authorized in two of those cases.

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Safety survey

Some Holden Hall residents participated in a survey given by residence life staff. Of those who responded:

Feel safe living in Holden
Feel it is okay to have sexual experiences they regret
Had something sexual  done to them that you did not want to happen
48 97
If so, it was someone they knew previously
41 10
Felt uncomfortable  denying unwanted  physical attention
67 77
Would coerce someone into having sex if there  were no repercussions:
20 126
Use alcohol to take sexual advantages
Believe that alcohol is consent
Victims are partially to blame for acquaintance rapes

When going out to a party:

a. Go alone- 9

b. Go with two or more people- 129

c. Go alone and leave with a new "friend"- 6

d. Go with a group but leave alone- 18

e. Other- 11

Sources: Holden Hall residence life staff,


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