Monday, September 30, 2024

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C'mon out

LBGT awareness week offers opportunity to gain education on issues, celebrate identity

Maybe you're already an activist or ally for LBGT issues. Maybe you think you might identify as LBGT but you're confused or scared to come out. Maybe you're completely new to any or all of the issues this week is addressing.

No worries. Come as you are.

National Coming Out Days celebrates the lives of a certain population, but it also seeks to spread knowledge to those who might not know much about the LBGT community. The point is to promote equality through thoughtful educational demonstrations and discussions where all are welcome.

Many people have worked hard to make this weeklong series of events possible, which includes discussions on transgender youth issues, women's bisexuality and the differences between hate speech and free speech.

If these topics hit home with you, come to share your stories. If they make you uncomfortable, come to learn.

Some of the most rewarding aspects of the college experience include finding your niche while being exposed to new perspectives. This week's celebration is the perfect opportunity to do just that.

Coming Out Days

Campus events planned to celebrate National Coming Out Days in the MSU community:

Today - T-Party, a discussion on transgender youth issues, will take place at 7 p.m. in room 441 of the Union.

Wednesday - Act Out and Act Out Reflections will address the connection between hate speech and hate crimes. A discussion on the differences between hate speech and free speech will take place at 7:30 p.m. in room 441 of the Union.

Thursday - Getting Bi will approach the subject of bisexual women's identity at noon in the Union Ohio State Room.

Friday - The Homecoming Parade welcomes all LBGT-affirming MSU community members. The parade will begin at 6 p.m. at Abbott Road and Burcham Drive.

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